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  1. I’m trying to improve my writing. I’m not the most engaging of writers and whenever I find someone who can write engagingly and humorously I feel quite inadequate. I want people to enjoy reading my posts and not feel like it’s a chore. I want them to find it entertaining. So I’m looking forward to reading your series. Thanks for the tips!

    1. Hi, Alex, thanks for your comment. Writing well is a craft that you can learn and continually improve. I know it can be discouraging to compare yourself with others, so my advice is: Don’t do that! I am convinced that the best way to learn how to write is to read, so I would encourage you to read as much as you can. If you read a passage that strikes you as especially good, don’t think, “I could never write that well.” Instead, ask yourself, “What makes this passage so good? How did the writer do that? How can I apply that to my own writing, in my own style?”

  2. Love anything that encourages people to write well and express themselves clearly. Thanks for this series. As lit. major and teacher, it’s hard to turn my ‘editing’ mind off when I’m reading. I cringe at my own typos, and run for cover when I find them. Writing well is something we never get perfectly right, alas.

    1. Thanks, Nancy, much as I sometimes wish I could, I can’t help but note the typos when I’m reading; they leap off the page at me.

  3. I am very appreciative of those who write well, and focus on it. I read some posts and they make me cringe. Your post was clear, precise, and informative. Thank you.

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