How to Beat the Crowds at Colonial Williamsburg

Sancerres at Sunset

There’s no place in the world quite like Colonial Williamsburg.  The living history museum recreates Virginia‘s second capital city during the time of the American Revolution.

A friend and I recently decided to take a spur-of-the-moment trip to Williamsburg.  It was clearly a very popular idea; CW was about as crowded as I’ve ever seen it. 

So we honed a few hacks for dodging the crowds and getting the most out of our two-day trip:

Explore the side roads

Williamsburg’s main area is Duke of Gloucester Street.  This is where most of the action is:  the Capitol building, the taverns, the retail shops.


Stay after dark

We could almost picture some of the house’s prominent guests, like George Washington, dining at the table.  Nighttime is my favorite time for exploring Williamsburg.


Hit happy hour

I peeked into the Trellis Bar & Grill and glimpsed empty stools at the bar, so we stepped inside, just in time for the tail end of happy hour.


Arrive by 9 am

Williamsburg is fabulous for walking, and my second-favorite time is early in the morning.  Before the 21st-century crowds arrive, it truly feels like stepping back in time.


Line up for a tavern lunch early

I like to have at least one tavern meal whenever I visit Williamsburg. The taverns open at 11:30 and don’t take reservations for lunch.


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